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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

1. Introduction

This policy along with our Terms and Conditions explain how the (MPL) website will use the information that gets saved on to our database and what the cookies do that are left on your device. This policy will also explain your rights with regard to the information that we hold about you. By using this website you agree to this policy and our Terms and Conditions.

2. How we use Cookies

A cookie is a small file which will ask your permission to store itself on your computer. When you agree, the file gets added and the cookie helps us analyse web traffic. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application will gather information about your preferences and tailor its operations to your needs.

We also use traffic log cookies to identify which of our pages are being used. This can help us analyse data about the web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to your needs. We only use this information for statistical purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies will help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. Our cookies never give us access to information about you or access to your computer. Only the data you choose to share with us will be shared with us. You can choose to accept or decline these cookies. Most web browsers do automatically accept cookies, however you can modify this using your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. This could prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

3. Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies enable you to easily navigate your way around our website. They contribute to the main features that make our website user friendly, and without them you will not be able to 'add to' shopping basket and still navigate your way around the website. E-billing will also not be available. The cookies provide access to security areas that make our website safe for you.

4. Performance Cookies

These cookies do not store any information about the user and are kept completely anonymous; they are simply present to collect data on which web pages are visited and how the website runs on various pages. These cookies improve the future use of the website purely for your benefit. By using the website, you agree that these cookies can perform whilst you are using the website.

5. Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies allow us to remember things about you that we feel will enhance your experience when using the website. This can be things such as remembering the language you use and what text size you prefer. The reason we do this is we feel that it is important for you to have easy access to our website as and when you need it. By using our website you agree that we can use cookies to enhance your experience. These cookies are unidentifiable and do not track your history on any other sites or record any personal information.

6. Advertising and targeting Cookies

Our advertising cookies will be used to deliver advertisements that are more relevant to you and at the same time they will reduce the adverts that you have already seen, meaning you will not see the same advert numerous times in one sitting. We also use these cookies to monitor the effectiveness of using these advertisements that are placed by advertising agencies with permission from us. These cookies will not be able to analyse or save any personal data from other websites. They are only used to advertise to you on behalf of Vitamin Bay when you are using other websites.

7. Managing Cookies

You can manage cookies through your internet browser; you can change the settings via your internet browser. It is possible to stop cookies altogether. You can also make websites ask for your permission when trying to store cookies on your device, meaning you can always keep on top of what cookies are stored on your device. If using a shared computer, for example a library or work computer, then it is advised that you make sure you log out before leaving the computer. If you disable cookies then it will result in content such as shopping basket and e-billing not being accessible until you enable the necessary cookies.

8. List of Cookies we use

COOKIE name COOKIE Description
CART The association with your shopping cart.
CATEGORY_INFO Stores the category info on the page, that allows to display pages more quickly
COMPARE The items that you have in your compare products list.
CURRENCY Your preferred currency